The weaving is based on a pattern by Ashford Company. https://www.ashford.co.nz/tutorials/weaving-tutorials
The weaving is based on a pattern by Ashford Company. https://www.ashford.co.nz/tutorials/weaving-tutorials
32 inch Kromski harp rigid heddle loom. 10 dent reed.
Warp goes well with warping peg instead of the warp pegs that turn the back of this loom into a warping board (for longer warps). Minor mishap, puppies find brown ball of yarn and turn it into a massive mess (see top of warping peg).
320 threads pulled to the front of the heddle (warp wound on to the back beam). Ready for threading…one of each pair of threads will go through the eye of the heddle.
Warp below wound on to the back beam (from the back beam side).
The tie up begins from the outsides in. I thread the eyes of the heddle at the same time as tying up 10 threads at a time in a traditional tie-up.
Tie up complete.
Weaving begins. I am reminded that warp selection is important. I had been weaving on a knitter’s loom from Ashford. The eyes in the heddle were larger so less wear on the knitting yarn. Two threads are dangerously weak in the early weaving. Use fray check from my sewing box to help prevent some fraying.
Weave color is lighter than I anticipated. Called Yarn Garden in Portland to get another skein of brown. Plan to weave weft in stripes. They were very helpful.
Going to order the 8 dent reed for Lily’s blanket. I think it will allow me to use this knitting yarn a little easier. The dent size is good for Jackson’s blanket, the holes are just a little small.
This stand can be used for my Navajo loom if I so choose. Weaving helps me hold a space for moving to Portland
I wove small pieces on both looms plus purchased a knitters loom (rigid heddle) and I wove Christmas presents one year rather remarkably. The knitter’s loom takes regular yarn and ribbon so all kinds of textures are possible with a simple weave. Took a basic class at Websters and a more advanced one there as well. Haven’t used the more advanced info (yet).
Found a great video on using a pickup stick with the rigid heddle (which is one of the advanced techniques I learned in class).