Fiber travels Knitting

Hand knit vintage purse

Vintage handknit purse with seedbeads and perle cotton by April Lewis embellished with floor and strap by Martha Lewis
Vintage hand knit purse with seed beads and pearl cotton by April Lewis embellished with flower and strap by Martha Lewis

I knit this purse before I moved back to Oregon in 2006.  My mother embellished it with a flower and a strap.  I had given it to my mother who cherished it and kept it safe in a little box.  I am grateful for her care and honoring of our mutual joy in handcrafted pieces.

Fiber travels Knitting

Yarn crawl

Habu has several yarns that use stainless steel. The yarn on the cone has copper. I found the combo in the photo below at the Knit Purl shop in downtown Portland.


Fiber travels Knitting

Red soap dream

Rose City Fiber Crawl 2012 has been exhausting and enlightening. My find so far has been Abstract Fiber red roving in 50% silk and 50% merino wool. My red soap dream inspired this red longing. I have already posted my cuprite stone. A new weaving?
